Prasuti & Stri Roga

Prasuti & Stri Roga

Stree Roga and Prasooti Tantra is a significant branch of Ayurveda mainly dealing with child birth (Prasooti tantra /Obstetrics) and Gynecological (Streeroga) disorders.
The Department at CS Ayurvedic has well established OPD, IPD, minor and major operation theatre. In Asthang Ayurveda, Prasuti tantra and Stri rog caters to the prescriptive healthcare for the obstetrics and gynaecology sections. Prasuti and stri rog also offers systematic guidelines and procedures for complication-free delivery of baby during pregnancy. The protocol followed under Prasutti and Stri Rog for the delivery of a baby during pregnancy is referred to as Garbhini Pracharya. It offers a detailed account of the nutrition (ahar), lifestyle (vihar) and thoughts (vichar) during pregnancy for effective delivery of a healthy baby. You can consult our Doctors at CS Ayurvedic regarding:

Routine ANC check-up and counselling
Family planning and HIV counselling
Treatment for Sukhaprasava


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